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Clark Davis Ivins Memorial Travel Grant

  • Australian National University
  • Scholarship Value:
  • Campus(es):Canberra
  • Onshore/Offshore:ALL
  • Application Deadline:

Scholarship Description

1. The Clark Davis Ivins Memorial Endowment in 2014 by the family of Private Clark Davis Ivins, an Australian soldier who died during World War II. He was just 24-years-old when he died of wounds received at the Battle of Milne Bay in Papua New Guinea in 1942; 2. The Clark Davis Ivins Memorial Travel Grant provides financial support to students in the Bachelor of International Security Studies undertaking a global learning experience as part of their academic program. The amount of the award will be determined annually and published at the time of applications opening. The grant is paid in a single instalment to the recipient prior to their approved travel; 3. Variable once off payment. The value of the award is stated in your letter of offer. The award will be paid in a single instalment prior to the recipient’s travel departure, unless otherwise stated in the letter of offer.

Basic Information

Accommodation/Relocation Scholarship -
Qualification Level Bachelor/Undergraduate
Automatic Processing NO
Application Process 1. Selection is made on the basis of: the academic record of applicants; and the extent to which the student can demonstrate that participation in a global learning program will enhance their degree program; 2. Other factors such as an applicant’s access to other funding streams may also be taken into account. Preference may be given to applicants with access and equity considerations including, if relevant, financial circumstances. 3. The award is offered to a student by a selection committee chaired by the Associate Dean (Education) which will include academic and/or professional staff from the College. Recommendations from the committee will be approved by the Associate Dean (Education). 4. The selection committee reserves the right to make no award if it considers there is no applicant of sufficient merit. The committee may also vary the number of awards and/or offer the award at other times in exceptional circumstances or based on the standard of applications or students.

Scholarship Requirements

Academic Grade
Course Discipline Available Politics
Nationality Requirements ALL
Academic Background Required
English Requirements
Other Requirements 1. Participating in a Global Learning Program offered by the ANU 2. Applications are called for with a closing date set by the College. The application is submitted on the prescribed electronic form and supporting documentation forwarded to the CAP Student Centre by email prior to the closing date.
Interview Required NO